Sunday, February 15, 2009

Form control

Form control

This page explains the uses for other types of form controls including lists, combo boxes, checkboxes, option groups, and command buttons.

List and Combo Boxes
If there are small, finite number of values for a certain field on a form, using combo or list boxes may be a quicker and easier way of entering data. These two control types differ in the number of values they display. List values are all displayed while the combo box values are not displayed until the arrow button is clicked
1. Open the form in Design View.

2. Select View|Toolbox to view the toolbox and make sure the "Control Wizards" button is pressed in.

3. Click the list or combo box tool button and draw the outline on the form. The combo box wizard dialog box will appear.

4. Select the source type for the list or combo box values and click Next >.

5. On the next dialog box, set the width of the combo box by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column. Click Next >.

6. The next dialog box allows tells Access what to do with the value that is selected. Choose "Remember the value for later use" to use the value in a macro or procedure (the value is discarded when the form is closed), or select the field that the value should be stored in. Click Next > to proceed to the final screen.

Check Boxes and Option Buttons
Use check boxes and option buttons to display yes/no, true/false, or on/off values. Only one value from a group of option buttons can be selected while any or all values from a check box group can be chosen. Typically, these controls should be used when five or less options are available. Combo boxes or lists should be used for long lists of options. To add a checkbox or option group:
1. Click the Option Group tool on the toolbox and draw the area where the group will be placed on the form with the mouse. The option group wizard dialog box will appear.

2. On the first window, enter labels for the options and click the tab key to enter additional labels. Click Next > when finished typing labels

On the next window, select a default value if there is any and click Next >.

Select values for the options and click Next >.

Choose what should be done with the value and click Next >.

Type the caption for the option group and click Finish.
This page explains the uses for other types of form controls including lists, combo boxes, checkboxes, option groups, and command buttons.

List and Combo Boxes
If there are small, finite number of values for a certain field on a form, using combo or list boxes may be a quicker and easier way of entering data. These two control types differ in the number of values they display. List values are all displayed while the combo boxvalues are not displayed until the arrow button is clicked to open it.
1. Open the form in Design View.

2. Select View|Toolbox to view the toolbox and make sure the "Control Wizards" button is pressed in.

3. Click the list or combo box tool button and draw the outline on the form. The combo box wizard dialog box will appear.

4. Select the source type for the list or combo box values and click Next >.

5. Depending on your choice in the first dialog box, the next options will vary. If you chose to look up values from a table or query, the following box will be displayed. Select the table or query from which the values of the combo box will come from. Click Next > and choose fields from the table or query that was selected. Click Next > to proceed.

6. On the next dialog box, set the width of the combo box by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column. Click Next >.

7. The next dialog box allows tells Access what to do with the value that is selected. Choose "Remember the value for later use" to use the value in a macro or procedure (the value is discarded when the form is closed), or select the field that the value should be stored in. Click Next > to proceed to the final screen.

8. Type the name that will appear on the box's label and click Finish.

Check Boxes and Option Buttons
Use check boxes and option buttons to display yes/no, true/false, or on/off values. Only one value from a group of option buttons can be selected while any or all values from a check box group can be chosen. Typically, these controls should be used when five or less options are available. Combo boxes or lists should be used for long lists of options. To add a checkbox or option group:
1. Click the Option Group tool on the toolbox and draw the area where the group will be placed on the form with the mouse. The option group wizard dialog box will appear.

2. On the first window, enter labels for the options and click the tab key to enter additional labels. Click Next > when finished typing labels.

3. On the next window, select a default value if there is any and click Next >.

4. Select values for the options and click Next >.

5. Choose what should be done with the value and click Next >.

6. Choose the type and style of the option group and click Next >.

7. Type the caption for the option group and click Finish.

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